What's happening
I've been invited to attend an event hosted by the wonderful folk at WeAreCreatives-Thurrock at the Lakeside centre. I won't be saying much, but I shall be attending, for sure. If you're thinking of going and want to ask me anything, just contact me via the form provided and we can make a plan. If loads of people are interested, I'll see if I can make more of an appearance. Hope to see you there :-P
Fyi, for those who don't know, the hosts of this whole thing, WAC, are campaigning for the arts in Thurrock, with a big drive on the mental health front, and are worthy of support and recognition, so please check them out here if you have the time.
Appearance at Lakeside Thurrock on 02/10/21
Well the first bit of news is this whole website!
I wasn't sure about needing one, but making it has been quite an interesting and occasionally frustrating experience. Hopefully it provides a little bit of interesting content for everyone, and maybe one day it might become even more developed and interesting and useful. I hope you like it anyway, and I hope it might help.
Stay tuned...

Coming soon
I expect to add a member's area for things like subscriptions, e-mail notifications, event booking and all the rest. There will probably include some more things I haven't even conceived just yet too, so keep an eye out for that. It would probably come in the form of an icon at the top of the page with the option to create an account.
See you there!
Edit: You can now sign up and get notifications and updates sent straight to your e-mail address.

Book availability
H²ELP the book is available in Kindle format. You can purchase it from Amazon here. It's worth the read, and you can also save paper, if that notion appeals to you. Well done, you decent human being.
